Operational Tools

All-inclusive solution is a thing not many can boast of, yet we are proud to stand out from the crowd. With no thirds parties involved and outstanding operational tools developed in-house, you will be capable of fulfilling any daring endeavour of yours.
We have built all the modules working as a holistic mechanism as well as independent units so that you set them up once and enjoy them flawlessly working all the way.

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Operational tools

CRM Engine

Let us get you acquainted with our pride and joy, CRM Module, the precious tool we’ve cradled to be capable of astonishing things. Just imagine: you can easily set it up to perform any customer lifecycle for any segment of your players, and it will be functioning perfectly just as you’ve customised it, with no more fuss and time waste. Game-changing pros:

crm engine
Event Chains
Our ‘event chains’ allow every possible scenario to occur, in cycles, loops or any other form of track, involving any means of communication: email, sms, push and other campaigns.
Player Lifecycle Setup
At your fingertips, you’ll have a mind-blowing opportunity to setup the player’s path in real time while regulating every next interaction based on their previous actions. This allows for the ultimate sensitivity in terms of adjusting to player’s moves and helping them make steps you’ve paved. The diversity of triggers, actions and conditions you can juggle is truly immense, making player’s experience unique while enhancing retention tenfold.
Variety of Bonuses
You can select any type of bonus as a treat for your players, including spins, cash bonuses, extra cashbacks and even VIP statuses for a limited period of time. It’s even hard to express how captivating it might be for a player and how special they may feel!
Newsletter Campaigns
Configure your newsletter campaigns as you wish with a diversity of offers attached to them, depending on their scope of interest, recent activity or any other relevant basis selected from a bunch of settings, so that to match players’ expectations perfectly and encourage them even more.
Bonus Matrix
Make use of an exceptional tool aimed at creating matrices in various currencies aimed at automatically tailoring offers with the best adjusted amounts of free spins, bets, wagers and deposits with the possibility of tuning other conditions like exchange rates, risk score settings and discounts for selected segments. All this makes you newsletter and chain campaigns a true gaming extravaganza, keeping players on their toes.
Ready-made Templates
We would be eager to provide you with ready-made templates for emails, sms, telegram so that you could immediately immerse yourself into action with no need to waste time on html design on your own.
Detailed Statistic
All activities and campaigns can be conveniently assessed in terms of performance due to detailed statistics available in the backoffice.If you ask why you personally need such perks, here is the key: automation. Your workflow from now on will be saving up to 60% of execution time as everything set up will be functioning on its own, still being alert to be updated any time. No more human errors and routine burdens: everything is systematised and as relevant as it can be, with total control over every step. If that doesn’t sound like a Holy Grail for your iGaming business, what does?

Payment Management System

You don’t have to worry about such a mundane issue as payment management, as we’ve got you covered. Our payment management system is an all-inclusive solution for payment agents, aimed at reducing manual involvement and skyrocketing processing workflow.

Monitor all deposits and payout requests, impose any automated payout conditions or combine them with extra human checks, if you wish. Every transaction and request can be easily investigated to the bone to foresee and prevent any possible mishaps while improving user experience by following data-driven decisions.



Our payment management system is a versatile construct capable of multifunctional use and endless advantages.

Holistic solution for automated payouts tuned in accordance with selected parameters
Easy setup of deposit and payout fees and limits
Extensive log trail of payouts and deposits and detailed reporting
Splitting of payouts into instalments for large-scale transactions
Comprehensive risk management with rules setting
Compliance with the major payment processing certifications

Affiliate Management System

Driven by more than a decade of empirical expertise and most state-of-the-art technology, we have come up with a versatile tool embracing affiliate management and tracking software. Keeping in mind both the needs of iGaming operators and affiliate partners, we have formed the ground for mutual growth and sustainability. Take advantage of its flexibility in terms of commission models, affiliate regulation, payout strategies and top-notch multifunctional frontend aimed at impeccable performance for all parties. Just imagine all market insights at your fingertips!
Outstanding features:

Regular in-depth data updates every 30 min
Setting up actions for partners to manage and control the workflow
Diverse offer and commission range for affiliates, both individual and group-based
Seamless integration with affiliate trackers via postbacks
Intuitive interface, effortless accounting, anti-fraud monitoring systems to avoid abuse
Easy landing page setup for ultimately fruitful promotions
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